Lancer: Roll 20 Notes

Importing maps into Roll 20

  1. Make sure Worldographer's tiles are set to 40px wide x 46.18px high. Zooming in and out in Worldographer will change this, so you may need to set it manually.
  2. Export the map as a png. It should be 1620x1050px.
  3. Create a new page in Roll 20. Set it to 45 wide x 30 high. Change the grid to Hex (V).
  4. Import the map to Roll 20. Toggle Advanced->Is Drawing on. Select Advanced->Set Dimensions and enter 3050 width x 2030 height (these numbers were found through trial and error). Move the map to line up with Roll 20's grid.

Using size 2 tokens in Roll 20

Roll 20 doesn't support snapping the way that Lancer's Size 2 mechs are supposed to be placed, but it's possible to fake it.

  1. Start with the empty size 2 template from "Mech" that comes with the Lancer core book
  2. Set it to 50% opacity, so you can see what terrain you're on
  3. Increase the size of the canvas by 50%. This will allow you to stretch the token to the same size as a size 3 mech, but the empty template will only take up the space of a size 2 mech.
  4. Put the mech art over the template and stretch it to the edges of the template. I recommend Retrograde Minis for this.
  5. Import the token to Roll 20 and set the size.
  6. Right click the token and select To Back so that when other mechs move next to it, you won't accidentally select this one.